
Digital partnership: the DIFEDUC association and MBCODE join forces for digital inclusion

Digital partnership: the DIFEDUC association and MBCODE join forces for digital inclusion——————-As part of its CSR program, the MBCODE organization, under the leadership of the Difeduc association, agreed on July 14 to collaborate with a view to developing digital skills among young people, especially those in great difficulty. The common goal is to equip these …

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Partnership with EDU AIR and sharing of experience in August 22

Project in progress……. reception of the patron Mr Michel of Swiss nationality (promoter of the ”Computer and Solar Training center of Linux Friends of Limbe: in the premises of Tootree Cameroon (,partner in the project on the right to education for young incarcerated people of Difeduc; accompanied by Yann d’Eduair, another key player. His …

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